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Historic LGBTQ+ organization honors NUHW

The Stonewall Democratic Club named NUHW its “Organization of the Year” during its annual awards banquet earlier this month in Los Angeles.

“The LGBTQ+ and labor movements have a proud legacy of working side by side to achieve equity and justice,” said the club’s president, Alex Mohajer. “The National Union of Healthcare Workers is the living embodiment of what is possible when workers organize to advance progressive policy. Especially in the wake of the COVID crisis, where healthcare workers took on the brunt of protecting Americans, the Stonewall Democratic Club is proud to award our Organization of the Year Award to NUHW.”

The award comes amid NUHW’s growing influence in Sacramento that includes successful lobbying in late 2020 for a state mandate that required hospitals to test workers for COVID and SB 221, the landmark mental health access bill that requires insurers to provide follow-up therapy appointments within 10-business days unless the treating therapist determines that a longer wait would not be detrimental to the patient.

“I’m so proud of our union’s accomplishments to protect the health of patients and caregivers and expand access to mental health care,” NUHW President Sal Rosselli said. “It’s an incredible honor to be recognized for our work by Southern California’s largest LGBTQ+, feminist and progressive political advocacy organization.”

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