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Bargaining update: August 1, 2024

During our second day of bargaining, we made progress at the table with Kaiser. Here’s what you should know:

Bargaining began with Kaiser agreeing to three of our proposals:

  • Gender expansive language – This agreement states that all language in the contract will be changed to ensure it is gender-expansive
  • New Employees – Language now states that the probationary period cannot be extended beyond two months and before extending probation, management must provide the new  employee with clear and specific objectives where improvement is needed
  • Per diem work commitment – Deleted obsolete language  with no substantive change

Next, Kaiser presented us two counter proposals, one on Transfer Policies and one on Associates.  Neither of these counters showed movement towards addressing the concerns we had raised, such as long delays in the credentialing process that hold up newly licensed staff from getting their raise to the licensed wage rate.

We then spent a considerable amount of time answering questions regarding our workload and patient management time proposals. Several of us, patiently but passionately, explained how the lack of adequate staffing resources and/or insufficient time in our schedules often makes our jobs unsustainable, lowers morale, leads to high turnover, and, most importantly, diminishes the quality of care our patients receive. We once again made it abundantly clear that we will not settle a contract that does not adequately address the key issues of staffing, workload, and patient management time.

We believe we are off to a good start in bargaining. Unlike in the past, the employer is engaged, is not leaving early, and is not only willing to discuss the tough issues, but is initiating those discussions. This is a direct result of the steps we have collectively taken so far to demonstrate to Kaiser that we are willing to strike if necessary. If we all keep up the pressure, we are certain we can win the fair and equitable contract we all deserve.

During bargaining we confirmed two additional dates in September, so we now have six more dates scheduled. Our next bargaining session will be August 15 on Teams. All members are welcome to attend bargaining and we will send an RSVP form shortly.

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