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Kaiser Psych-Social Strike: Day 4

We had another high-energy day on the picket line with lots of music and dancing. News outlets covered our picket lines in West LA, San Diego and Bakersfield.

State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond made his second consecutive visit, this time serving food to strikers in Fontana. We were also joined by La Mesa Vice Mayor Patricia Dilard and Assemblymembers Eloise Reyes and Tasha Boerner.

Kaiser clearly doesn’t know how to handle seeing so many workers and patients (on social media) speaking the truth about its underfunded, under-resourced behavioral healthcare system. Instead of making new proposals at the bargaining table, Kaiser took out ads in local newspapers that contained outlandish lies about our contract proposals.

That’s a sign of weakness. We quickly emailed elected officials debunking all of Kaiser’s lies, and we’re running our own targeted digital ads that convey our message about who and what we’re fighting for — and will further our ability to put intense pressure on Kaiser.

Fresh from the picket line, watch Jessica Rentz talk about why she’s striking for as long as it takes to win a fair contract.

We’re still gauging how many people are up for spending Halloween together on the West LA picket line. Fill out this form to let us know if you would take a shuttle bus from your picket location to the West L.A. Medical Center for a spooky good time.

See the gallery of photos below, and see more photos and videos on NUHW’s social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok.

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