Assembly Speaker Robert Rivas has signed a powerful letter in support of our strike to Kaiser CEO Greg Adams. High-ranking elected leaders like Speaker Rivas almost never take sides in contract disputes. However, in his letter to Adams, Rivas reiterated his concerns about Kaiser’s handling of the strike and called on Adams to agree to our “reasonable contract proposals.”
I have seen the strike contingency plan that Kaiser submitted to DMHC, and I am greatly concerned that the plan does not provide sufficient detail regarding Kaiser’s arrangements to prevent widespread appointment cancellations without timely and appropriate replacement services. I have learned that patient appointments are indeed being cancelled at an alarming rate, and that these cancellations are leading to sometimes indefinite delays, or worse, denials of care.
Given this context, my undersigned colleagues and I urge you to resume good faith negotiations with NUHW as soon as possible, and to agree to the union’s reasonable contract proposals in order to ensure the delivery of timely and appropriate behavioral health services to your patients.
We are now working to get more Assemblymembers to sign onto Speaker Rivas’ letter and get a similar letter from State Senate President Mike McGuire.
Kaiser blocks grocery drop-offs
Kaiser HR officials stooped to a new low this morning when they — with the backing of LAPD – prevented the L.A. Labor Federation from delivering 300 food boxes to strikers picketing outside the Los Angeles Medical Center.
As the labor federation workers were unloading the food boxes, two HR executives got in their faces and insisted they couldn’t distribute the food. With police supporting Kaiser, most of the boxes, which included perishable items, had to be rerouted to our office in Glendale.
“It was shocking to see that, frankly, Kaiser HR is so dirty that it would deny us food after four weeks without pay,” said Kassaundra Gutierrez-Thompson, who was present at the picket line. “It’s really alarming because at the end of the day, I still work for Kaiser, and it doesn’t feel like the HR Department has my back as a Kaiser employee.”
Check out of the aftermath:
“Kaiser Efficiencies Create Patient Suffering”
Michelle Gaskill-Hames, the Kaiser executive who has appeared in Kaiser’s strike-related videos, was a featured member of an industry panel discussion Thursday titled “Financial Sustainability and Workforce Efficiencies.” We made sure every table at the Hilton Universal City ballroom had a leaflet about what Kaiser’s “efficiencies” really mean for workers and patients.
Then we interrupted the proceedings to repeatedly declare that “Kaiser efficiencies create patient suffering” before being escorted out of the hotel by security.
The discussion was sponsored by the American College of Healthcare Executives.
“Kaiser, What the Guac?”
Spicy Guacamole Day on the Fontana picket line Thursday was lots of yummy fun. The best part was the costumes (see the gallery below).
A good media week
We received more press coverage this week than any week since the start of the strike. Here is one of the better stories from KUSI in San Diego:
Upcoming Actions:
- On Wednesday, November 20, we’ll be handing out new strike t-shirts to everyone on the picket line. Don’t miss out on the chance to get your regular NUHW shirt laundered!
- On Thursday, November 21, we’ll be holding simultaneous 12 p.m. rallies with local leaders outside Kaiser headquarters in Pasadena and Oakland. While we gather outside Kaiser’s Southern California headquarters at 393 E. Walnut Street in Pasadena, Kaiser mental health workers in Northern California will gather outside Kaiser’s corporate headquarters in Oakland to rally in support of the strike and a fair contract in Southern California.
Hardship Fund info and other resources
Hardship funds are nontaxable income, and can be claimed as gifts. Applications for the fund are now due Fridays at 5pm for disbursement for the following Friday. Available funds are based solely on funds received through the crowdfunding campaign. You can find the official rules for disbursement here and the application form here.
Picket line photos
See the gallery of photos below, and see more on NUHW’s social media channels: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok.