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Kaiser Mental Health Care Strike: Day 64

A dozen news outlets covered our Zoom press conference this morning featuring four patients who have struggled to get the mental health care they need during the strike.

Here’s how Courthouse News began its story:

For months, mental health care provider Yesmine Florines struggled through to get mental health treatment at a Kaiser facility in Southern California for herself for postpartum depression and suicidality.

“It’s very difficult because I feel like I’m playing the runaround for eight, nine, now going on 13 months where I have not been able to get a regular provider,” she said Monday during a press conference on Zoom of mental health care patients at Kaiser Permanente facilities in Southern California.

The participants are among more than 500 Kaiser patients who have contacted us since October detailing their challenges accessing mental health care. Holding the press event on Zoom allowed for broader coverage, including a public radio station in Georgia, where Kaiser has a significant presence. 

In addition to patients, NUHW Researcher Fred Seavey detailed Kaiser’s violations during the strike, NUHW President Emeritus Sal Rosselli gave a big-picture overview of the struggle, and Jeremy Simpkin, a case manager, gave his perspective as a provider who has worked in both Northern and Southern California.

The event went a little over an hour with press questions. You can watch it here.

Picket line notes:

  • We had member-led toy drives and a lot of kids on the picket lines around Los Angeles.
  • Fox-5 San Diego covered our press conference and shot video of the San Diego line.
  • Please remember that there will be no picket lines on Tuesdays and Wednesdays this week and the following week.

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