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Workers win a lot with Sequoias contract


Housekeeping and dietary workers at The Sequoias – Portola Valley have ratified a new union contract that guarantees them a minimum wage increase of 8 percent over two years, retroactive to May 2024. 

The employer agreed to maintain the current wage scales and guarantee a 5 percent wage increase in the first year, with a 3 percent bump in the second year for those with fewer than 10 years in the facility. If eligible, they will move to the next step of the wage scale.  

Workers with more than 10 years at the Bay Area retirement community located in San Mateo County will see increases of up to 25 percent as they are placed on the wage scale according to their years of service. 

“It was unfair for those with 10 years or more here to be paid the same as those just starting out,” said Laura Alonso, head cook who has worked at the facility for nearly 12 years. “For the first time the company is recognizing these workers who know the system better than anyone and are ready to step up when Sequoias needs us the most.”

This is the third time Alonso bargained a contract at the facility and she said this was by far the longest negotiation. The reason was the paltry 1 percent raises per year the employer offered initially.

“We threatened them with an informational picket and we did a sticker-up showing we would not accept that,” Alonso said. “We had a good victory in the end.”

The contract also stipulates the company will give workers shoes and uniforms, something that was not part of previous agreements.

The agreement guarantees five uniform T-shirts for full-time employees and up to $100 for one pair of steel toe shoes for maintenance and grounds workers (up to $75 for those in food service). Full-time workers in food service will also receive three aprons (two for part-time workers).

“They used to give us shoes every year, but this past year they didn’t give us any,” Alonso said. “And you do need anti-slip shoes, especially in the kitchen.” 

The workers will also get eight months of retroactive pay since the contract expired last year. 

“Everyone is happy with that,” Alonso said. “It’s a nice bonus to get that.”

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